compassionate recycling

Compassion Recycling
Use this page to find a link to a website at which you can donate some of your already owned items.  These items can make life better for someone in need, while contributing to the protection of the creation that God has entrusted to us.
The capitalized title of each charity description is a link to the site.  The link will take you directly to the donation page.  To find out more about the charity please go to their home page.
These charities are not known to be specifically Christian.  They are listed here to provide opportunities for Christ-Followers to live out our Christianity through compassionat donations.  Please research the integrity of each charity you consider to your personal satisfaction.  Listing a charity on this site is not necessarily a commendation of that organization.

Charities for the Underprivileged

resource type: info    
DRESS FOR SUCCESS -  Use this site to donate clothing to disadvantaged women needing clothing for professional interviews and appropriate work attire.
COMPUTERS FOR SUCCESS -  Use this site to donate your working computer to the disabled and disadvantaged.
WARM COATS -  Use this site to donate a free woarm coat to anybody who needs one.

International Charities

resource type: info    
SHOES FOR ATHLETES -  Use this website to ship shoes and sportswear to struggling athletes around the world.
PHONES FOR MISSIONS -  Place a cell phone in the hands of a poverty fighter, working with the world's underprivileged.
BOOKS FOR AFRICA -  Give everything from storybooks to encyclopedias to assist the task of educating the continent.
COMPUTERS FOR DEVELOPMENT -  Send your working computer to one of 50 developing countries to aid individuals in their expansion of personal sufficiency.

Medical Charities

resource type: info    
GOWNS FOR CANCER PATIENTS -  Use this site do donate a wedding gown to a cancer patient, making a memory that will last a lifetime.  (Site currently under construction.)
SIGHT FOR THE NATIONS -  Use this sight to donate your eyewear to men, women and children who suffer from sight loss world-wide.

Victim's Charities

resource type: info    
FURNITURE FOR DISASTER RELIEF -  You can give your furniture to someone who is recovering from some kind of disaster.
PHONES FOR VIOLENCE VICTIMS -  Put a personal cell phone in the hands of a victim of domestic violence and give the gift of pease of mind.