about us

People can recognize Christians by the way they love others. At epic, this love is different than what is experienced in the non-Christ-following world. As a Christian community, we continuously strive to build relationships that produce a strong Hanford and help us grow in our devotion to the 'Jesus lifestyle.'

If you are wondering what it might be like at a gathering of epic, you should know a couple of things that we value. First, at epic we value the idea that a church is not defined by it's gatherings. Instead, the church is it's people who gather for various purposes. Second, we value holistic spiritual growth groups that meet in homes as the nerve center for our personal spiritual development.

The weekly worship gathering is a place to meet together, in search of our common experience of God and to honor Him. Here is how we spell out our worship gatherings:
E - Experiential, no talking heads delivering one-way-only
P - Participatory, it takes everyone to make a Christian
community vital to the community it serves.
I - Image saturated, visually and aurally stimulating.
C - Connective, relationships within our Christian
community make spirituality real.

Find out more as you search our site.  Welcome to epic!