In epickids, prescoolers and kindergarteners worship with our elementary school students, where they engage in an energetic and fun Bible lesson together.  After the lesson, our preschool and kindergarten explorers meet in a small group to learn what the Bible lesson means to them personally and to work on scripture memory and hands-on learning activities, which are appropriate for them.
Our class will meet during each regularly scheduled epic gatherings.

As with all of our ministries to children our goals are to help children believe, belong, and become.

Believe. We want to help children know Jesus personally and to believe in Him as their own savior and the leader of their lives. (Romans 10:9)


Belong. We want to help each child know that they are a valuable part of the body of Christ and have been given spiritual gifts to build up one another. (Romans 12:3-13)


Become. We want children to discover that they are important to God and that He has a plan for them.  We want to allow space for the Holy Spirit to reveal to each child who they are becoming in Christ (Psalm 139:13-14)

Monica Toomes, Minister to Children