Middle School Ministry to Launch in March

You Can Join the Team

By Bruce Kane |  February 4, 2008

After a great deal of prayer and consideration, Darin and Brandi Parson have committed to launch a ministry to Middle School aged students (grades 6-8).  Darin and Brandi hold many positions in our congregation and their serice adds a great deal to our ministry as a whole.  While some of these responsibilities will have to be cut back on, the prospect of expanding our influence on students is tremendously exciting.
(You might consider adding a serving ministry to your spiritual life to compensate for what will be left open by Darin or Brandi in order to pave the way for this ministry.)
Current plans include Sunday morning Worship and Grow gatherings on alternating Sundays.  In addition, on alternating Fridays, there will be group Connect gatherings intended to be loaded with fun.
I know all this alternating talk sounds confusing but not really. On Sunday morning the group will meet during our worship gathering in a room that is just for them.  Then on the Friday that follows that Sunday the group will meet again, either in a home for hang out and discussion or at another venue for a specific event.  Then, the following week, there will be no gathering on either Sunday or Friday.  Then the rotation repeats, alternating weeks.
This ministry will meet a terific need in our congregation, expanding our ministry to students beyond preschool and elementary school.  It will provide a safe place to deal with all of the difficulty of the transitional state of life that accompanies Middle School.  It will be FUN, FUN, FUN for our kids who crave meaningful social engagement.  And, it will plant a love for God and a genuine opportunity to kno Him in their souls at this very important age.
Hey, maybe God has been calling you to take a step in meeting these needs too.  If so, just sent an email to epic.info@gmail.com and you'll hear back from Darin or Brandi.
