Donations to Help Hanford's Homeless

By Bruce Kane |  January 10, 2009

The Continuum of Care is a local collaboration of organizations, working together to assist Hanford's most needy. 
You can donate new or used items of your own, put your creativity to work to harness the power of your personal friendship network, find additional resources, or donate money to the cause. See Debra at the Connections Table on Sunday for more information.
Our participation in this outreach is an opportunity for us to SERVE the world that God so dearly loves.  It is our chance to imitate the compassion of Christ and to reflect His image to our city as we continue to GROW in His likeness.  Thank you for your donations.



Scarfs - 250

Mittens - 250

Hats -250

Blankets -400


You can drop off your donations at epic by January 21, 2009.
